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Bhatwal Surgical And Maternity Hospital is now NABH ACCREDITED (ENTRY LEVEL)

GI Cancer Care

With innovation and efficiency, we treat any and every kind of gastrointestinal cancers like oesophagus cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, pancreas cancer, intestines cancer, uterus cancer, etc. With the newest technologies for treatments and surgery, we have been making these cancer surgeries a supreme success with the best outcomes for our patients.

Surgeries for GI Cancer Care:
  • Laparoscopic Radical D2 Gastrectomy for Stomach Cancer
  • Ivor-Lewis Oesophagectomy for Oesophageal Cancer (Adenocarcinoma)
  • Thoracolaparoscopic Subtotal Oesophagectomy for Oesophageal Cancer(Squamous Cell Carcinoma)
  • Hepatectomy for Liver Secondaries / Primary Tumours
  • Whipples Operation for Periampullary Cancer/Cancer Head of Pancreas
  • Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy for Tumours at the Tail of Pancreas
  • Laparoscopic Splenectomy for Splenic Pathologies
  • Lapareoscopic Right Hemicolectomy for Distal Ileum,Caecum,Ascending Colon Tumours
  • Laparoscopic Right extended hemicolectomy for Hepatic Flexure Tumours
  • Laparoscopic Left Hemicolectomy for Left Colonoc Tumours
  • Laparoscopic Subtotal Colectomy for synchronous Tumours
  • Laparoscopic Anterior/Abdominoperineal Resection for Rectal Cancers
  • Laparoscopic Wertheims Radical Hysterectomy for Uterine Cancers
  • Laparoscopic Wedge Resections of stomach for GIST
  • Laparoscopic Sphincter Saving Resections of the Rectum for Lower Rectal Tumours